Ostatnio dodane

Wiadomości naukowe - naukawpolsce.pl
Wiadomości naukowe – fitness

An exercise intervention aimed at elderly women was successful at reducing falls, especially among those with polypharmacy, a new study shows. [więcej]

Researchers have discovered genes linked to obesity in both Labradors and humans. They say the effects can be over-ridden with a strict diet and exercise regime. [więcej]

New research is studying female professional footballers to find out if if it is possible to predict just how much lactate a person will produce during exercise based on the physical attributes of finger length and height. [więcej]

Researchers have found that women who exhibit disturbed eating behaviors and engage in low physical activity tend to have more central body fat and a higher risk of metabolic low-grade inflammation. This condition increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which become more prevalent after menopause. However, the combined effect of exercise and healthy eating behavior [więcej]

A new discovery suggests a potential new approach to improving fitness in older adults. [więcej]

Opinie różne

It's profitable to treat and "mask" the symptoms and "manage" chronic preventable disease but not profitable to address the root cause of obesity and metabolic syndrome and prevent it in the first place.