Wszystkie starty w maratonach
135 startów w 22 krajach, na 5 kontynentach, w 10 stanach USA. Najwięcej startów 16 w Warszawie i 13 w
135 startów w 22 krajach, na 5 kontynentach, w 10 stanach USA. Najwięcej startów 16 w Warszawie i 13 w
Zawsze się wzbraniałem przed startem na dystansie olimpijskim ponieważ odcinek pływacki (1500 m) jest relatywnie długi w stosunku do odcinka
Bieg miał miejsce w ramach „15 INTERNATIONAL ULTRAMARATON FESTIVAL Athens-Hellinkion 2020”. Zajęło to 49 dni 6 godzin 27 minut 02
Regular aerobic exercise could significantly reduce disease markers associated with Alzheimer's, new research has found. The findings provide new hope in the battle against this devastating disorder. [więcej]
A new study from an obesity researcher reveals that college students and older adults gain holiday weight just in different ways. [więcej]
It's long been known that different positions on the football field fit different body types. A study led by the University of Kansas has gone beyond knowing that linemen are bigger with more body mass than receivers and tested a team of college football starters, finding differences in strength, power, jumping ability and more. The [więcej]
A team of researchers discovered that combining neuromuscular electrical stimulation with resistance training results in greater muscle mass and strength compared to resistance training alone. [więcej]
Elderberry juice may be a potent tool for weight management and enhancing metabolic health, according to a recent study. A clinical trial found that drinking 12 ounces of elderberry juice daily for a week causes positive changes in the gut microbiome and improves glucose tolerance and fat oxidation. [więcej]
It's profitable to treat and "mask" the symptoms and "manage" chronic preventable disease but not profitable to address the root cause of obesity and metabolic syndrome and prevent it in the first place.